Is my drain clogged, or is it my sewer main?

Sewer Mains Versus Drains

Your sewer line main is the pipe that runs from your home or business to the main sewer line owned and maintained by your city. It is one of two primary parts of your plumbing system and removes waste from your home or business. The other primary part is the water supply system that brings water into your home or business. If your main sewer line becomes clogged it’s time to call in a professional plumber to remedy the problem. Our team is professional, trained and fully licensed, bonded and insured.

Overtime sewer lines can easily become clogged from household items and materials or by nature’s invading tree roots. The main sewer line is the main pipe that all other plumbing pipes lead to. If this becomes clogged, waste cannot leave your property.

Often times a single drain will clog or back up, not allowing waste from that drain to transfer to the main sewer pipe. If this is the case, then you need to clean out that specific drain, as it may not be your main sewer line. These clogs can often be remedied by an auger or drain snake, which you can attempt yourself. If it seems to be a bigger issue, we recommend consulting with our plumbers to avoid any additional problems.

Clogged Main Sewer Line Signs

Frequent Drain Clogs

Your main sewer line eliminates waste from other drains in your home out to the main city line. If your main sewer line is backed up, elimination cannot happen and may cause drains in your home to back up. If you flush the toilet and water comes back up through the shower drain, you have a sewer main back up . If this is the case, call a plumber.

Raw Sewage Back up

If sewage is backing up from your drains, you have a clog. Sewage can be hazardous to your health, so contact a plumber and immediately clean up.

Blocked Clean Out Drain

Any water or sewage coming out of the clean out drain usually means a blockage in the main sewer line. Clean out drains allow for sewer main access. So if there is a clog further down the line the clean out drain can easily clog.

If you are unsure if your main sewer line is clogged or needs repair, give us a call. We specialize in Sewer Lines and Water mains. We can perform a sewer scope inspection to determine the severity of the problem and whether your pipes are clogged and to be cleaned or if it needs replacement. Our plumbers are experienced and engaged in ongoing education. We believe in providing the very best service possible, for pipes and people!

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