How do I understand what my water bill means?

As experienced plumbers we know that leaks in your home can be very costly…

As experienced plumbers we know that leaks in your home can be very costly and often times damaging to your home, and your belongings. We are also aware of the struggle of trying to keep your water usage at a normal amount, not only to conserve water but also to conserve money. In fact, many of our plumbing service calls are for leaks in homes that have gotten big and out of control. Many of our customers did not realize that leaks were present, or that the leak was as big as it turned out to be.

We are consistently being asked if there is any other way to tell if you had a possible leak, besides the obvious…..dripping water and/or puddles in your home. Our Cure All Plumbing professionals explain the importance of monitoring your water bill every month and watching for usage changes that were not attributed to an increase in house guests or some other measure as to why the water bill may have increased. What we began to realize is that aside from gauging the monthly cost of the water bill, most people didn’t really know how to read their water bill.

Understanding your water bill charges and monthly usage history is the most effective way to measure and reduce water usage and costs associated with it.

Water is usually managed by city utility companies. People know that they have to pay for water and that if they are conscious of the water they use, they will be billed fairly. While this is definitely true, understanding the charges and the monthly usage history is the most effective way to measure and reduce water usage and the costs that come with it. It’s also a great way to monitor or detect any leaks you may be unaware of.


First, it’s good to understand that your water bill is broken down into TWO MAIN CHARGES: Sewer & Water.

  • SEWER- This measures the water that is pumped away from your home and sent to your district’s Water Treatment Facility. This water includes all waste water from your home, as in water from washing dishes, flushing your toilets, taking a bath or shower, and laundry. While most utility companies charge a flat rate to the customer depending on the type of bill agreement they have, some charge a rate per every 1,000 gallons removed from your home.

  • WATER- This is the charge for the ACTUAL amount of water you have pumped into your home. The water that you use to do your dishes, laundry, shower etc. The cost is usually measured in increments of every 1,000 gallons pumped into your home from the water treatment facility.

Next we have miscellaneous fees & electrical fees….yes there are electrical fees associated with your water bill too!

  • MISC. FEES – These fees vary from utility company to utility company and will show up on your bill differently depending on the utility company. These fees are generally added to your bill as a way to help absorb the costs associated with maintaining the sewer system and running the water treatment facilities.

  • ELECTRICAL FEES – These fees are in place to help pay for the electricity that it takes to run the pumps that take waste water away and supply fresh clean water to your home.

This brings us to USAGE HABITS/HISTORY… perhaps the most important part of reading your water bill…

Usage habits/history is perhaps the most important part of your water bill other than the actual amount that is due.

Why? It basically gives you a history via a graph that allows for a visual observation of when or if your water bill has risen over that last few months. Generally when you see a steady and slow increase over a period of time in your water usage and cannot attribute it to an increase in people in your home or an increase in water amount used on your part, it potentially means you have a leak. Leaks often start out small and can stay small for a very long time.

A leak that is left untreated or unnoticed can waste an average of 10,000 gallons of water a year. That is 10 increments of 1,000 gallons for which you are paying for no reason at all. It’s not water that’s been used, it simply has been wasted and thus wasting your money with it. Should you suspect a leak or see a cost increase in your water bill, we suggest calling a trusted, experienced plumber, like Cure All Plumbing. Your plumber will provide a leak inspection and help diagnose, detect and fix any leaks or other plumbing issues. We also highly recommend that you monitor your Water Usage Habits/History on your water bill monthly to potentially save a lot of money, water, and headaches! A few other ways to save water and reduce water usage, as well as lower your utility bill, are to install these simple items. They are proven to be effective and can help save your pocket A LOT of money over time.

  • Tank Bags For Your Toilet- They are easy to install and can be found at Home Depot and other home stores. They can save you 1 liter of water every time you flush your toilet! That definitely adds up over time.

  • Faucet Aerators- Installing water efficient faucet aerators will help lower the GPM (Gallons Per Minute) coming out of your faucet without reducing your water pressure.

  • Water Efficient Shower Heads- These will help to reduce unneeded water usage during your shower as well as help cut down the cost on both your water and electricity bill.

So take a minute and read through your next water bill. You can even hop online and take a look at the last few months to see if you notice anything out of the ordinary. If you have any questions, give us a call! We are happy to answer any questions you have.

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